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Fall 2000 - Spring 2002: Professor of Latin American Studies and Coordinator of International Studies Concentration, Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo, California [on leave-of-absence from ҹAV]. Fall 1993 - Spring 2000: Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and Graduate Faculty, ҹAV, Chicago, IL. Spring and summer 1993: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. Fall 1990 - Fall 1992: Chief of Administration, Director of American and Policy Studies, and Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO. Fall 1989 - Spring 1990: Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO. Courses taught Undergraduate: American Politics Comparative Politics Cuba Today: Politics & Society (immersion course) International Politics Latin American Politics Latin America in the International System Latinx Politics Liberation Theology and the Vatican Response Revolution and Terrorism Scope and Methods in Political Science Global Studies (Semester at Sea) Graduate: Comparative Political Systems Democratic Political Systems Imperialism and Hegemony Latin American Politics US-Latin American Relations (Panama) KEY UNIVERSITY SERVICE Dreamer Committee ҹAV (promoting the interests of undocumented students, 2015 to 2019) Graduate Program Director, Department of Political Science (2003- 2008; 2013 to 2020) Chair and Member, Curriculum Committee, Council of Graduate Programs (Chair, 2007-2008; member 2003-2008, 2018 to 2019) Graduate Program Committee, Department of Political Science (Chair and member, 2003- 2008; 2013 to 2020) John Felice Rome Center Advisory Committee (fall 2007 to 2015) Fulbright Committee, ҹAV (2002-2019) Latin American Studies Program Steering Committee (2002 to 2020) Italian-American Studies Program Steering Committee (2019 to 2020) PUBLICATIONS Books: Priest under Fire: Padre David Rodriguez, the Catholic Church and El Salvadors Revolutionary Movement (University Press of Florida, 2015). Panama Lost? U.S. Hegemony, Democracy, and the Canal (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2007). Selected by Choice as an outstanding academic title in 2008. Journal Articles: "Skin Color and System Support in Latin America," (with Kirstie Dobbs and David Doherty) Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 6, no. 2 (July 2021). Ideas and Leaders in Contentious Politics: One Parish Priest in El Salvadors Popular Movement, Journal of Latin American Studies 46, no. 4 (2014). Power and Principle: A New U.S. Policy for Latin America, (with Megan Sholar) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2, no. 23 (2012). Unidos Para el Futuro: The United States and Latin America in the 21st Century, (translated into Italian by Mario Baccianini) Italian Geopolitical Review 6 (2008). The Janus-faced Character of Tourism in Cuba, [with Kathleen M. Adams] Annals of Tourism Research 35/1 (2008). Is Security First Simply a Repackaged Realism? (commentary) American Behavioral Scientist 51/9 (May 2008). Bringing the International Back In: US Hegemonic Maintenance and Latin Americas Democratic Breakdown during the 1960s and 1970s, International Politics 40 (2003). Panamanian Democracy One Hundred Years After Independence: Prospects and Problems, The Latin Americanist XLVII (Summer/Fall 2003). Teaching US-Latin American Relations in Panama, Peace Review 11 (June 1999). The End of Hegemony? The United States and Panama, International Journal on World Peace XIX (September 2002). The 1996 Chicago Latino Registered Voter Political Survey: Political Participation and Public Policy Positions, (with David K. Jesuit, Angela Nirchi, and Maria Vidal de Haymes) Journal of Poverty: Innovations in Social, Political and Economic Inequality 4 (2000). El Militarismo en Amrica Latina: Caractersticas, Causas, la Importancia de Panam, y Su Futuro, [Militarism in Latin America: Characteristics, Causes, the Importance of Panama, and its Future], Alternativa [Chilean Social Science Journal] 10 (1999). Prospects for Democracy in Cuba: Implications for US Policy, Global Development Studies 1 [formerly 21st Century Policy Review] (Winter 1998-Spring 1999). Revised as Prospects for Democracy in Cuba, in Eloise Linger and John Cotman, editors, Cuban Transitions at the Millennium (Largo, Maryland: International Development Options, 2000). Global Pluralism: American Defense Policy for the Twenty-first Century, (with Sheryl Shirley) International Journal on World Peace XIV (September 1997). Latino Electoral and Non-electoral Political Participation: Findings From the 1996 Chicago Latino Registered Voter Survey, (with Maria Vidal de Haymes) Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy X (June 1997). Development and Democratic Consolidation: The Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Peru in Comparative Perspective, (with David K. Jesuit) Journal of Developing Areas 31 (Fall 1996). Continuity and Change in US Foreign Policy Toward Latin America: The Alliance for Progress Under Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, Journal of the Third World Spectrum 2 (Fall 1995). Traditional vs. Technology-Aided Instruction: The Effects of Visual Stimulation in the Classroom, (with Donald P. Jordan) PS: Political Science and Politics XXVII, No. 1 (March 1994). The Drug War: The US Military and National Security, The Air Force Law Review 34 (1991). Chapters in Edited Books: U.S. Policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean During the Cold War, in The Routledge History of U.S. Foreign Relations, edited by Tyson Reeder (New York: Routledge Press, 2022) Tourism as Industry and Field of Study: Using Research and Education to Address Overtourism, (with Kathleen Adams), in Overtourism and Tourism Education: A Strategy for Sustainable Tourism Futures, edited by Hugues Sraphin, Anca C. Yallop (Adbingdon: Routledge Press, 2020) The Continuity and Goals of U.S. Policy toward Latin America during the Cold War, in Russia between the Soviet Past and the Eurasian Future (Sofia, Bulgaria: Almanac via Eurasia, Sofia University, 2013). The Janus-Faced Character of Tourism in Cuba, revised and updated; reprinted article [with Kathleen Adams], in Tourists and Tourism: A Reader, edited by Sharon Bohn Gmelch (Waveland Press, 2009). Panama: The Limits of Sovereignty, in Latin American and Caribbean Foreign Policy, edited by Frank O. Mora and Jeanne A. K. Hey (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003). Panama: A Hegemonized Foreign Policy, in Small States in World Politics: Explaining Foreign Policy Behavior, edited by Jeanne A. K. Hey (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2003). Interest Group Politics in North America: The Case of NAFTA in Mexico, Canada and the United States, (with Ray Tatalovich) Los Sistemas Polticos de Amrica del Norte en los Noventas: Desafos y Convergencias, edited by Julian Castro Rea, Robert J. Jackson and Gregory S. Mahler (Mexico City: Centro de Investigaciones Sobre Amrica del Norte, UNAM, 1999). Latin America: The Security of a Region, in The Defense Policies of Nations, 3d edition, edited by Douglas J. Murray and Paul R. Viotti (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994). The Dominican Case, in Elites and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America and Southern Europe, edited by John Higley and Richard Gunther (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992). Book Reviews: Exporting Revolution: Cuba's Global Solidarity, by Margaret Randall, The Latin Americanist 62, no. 2 (June 2018). Stories of Civil War in El Salvador: A Battle over Memory, by Erik Ching, The Latin Americanist 61, no. 2 (June 2017). Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations between Washington and Havana, by William M. LeoGrande and Peter Kornbluh, Bulletin of Latin American Research 36, no. 1 (2016). Panama and the United States: The End of the Alliance, by Conniff, Michael L., Bulletin of Latin American Research 34 (January 2015). Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic, by Amelia L. Cabezas, The Americas 67 (July 2010). Globalization and Uncertainty in Latin America, Fernando Lopez-Alves and Diane E. Johnson, editors, Choice (March 2008) Why Dominant Parties Lose: Mexico's Democratization in Comparative Perspective, by Kenneth F. Greene, Choice (July 2008) Military Foundations of Panamanian Militarism, by Robert C. Harding, The Americas 59 (October 2002). The Quest for Security in the Caribbean, by Ivelaw Griffith, Conflict Quarterly XV (Spring 1995). RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Latin American policies towards the United States in the Post-Cold War World: A Case of Soft Balancing? (with Alex Grigorescu). Conferences Pigmentocracy in Latin America? Skin Color and Support for Democracy, paper to be presented at the Latin American Studies Association Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, 13-16 May 2020.  Soft-Balancing the Hegemon? Latin American Regionalism in the Post-Cold War World, with Alexandru Grigorescu, paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Council for Latin American Studies, Oaxaca, Mexico, 26-31 March 2019. Latin America and International Institutions in the 21st Century: A Case of Soft Balancing?, with Alexandru Grigorescu, paper presented at the ISA/FLCSO Joint International Conference, Quito Ecuador, 25-28 July 2018. U.S. Intervention in the 21st Century: Drugs and Insurgents in Colombia, presented at the 64th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS), Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 23-26 March 2017. Race and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America: Findings from the Latin American Popular Opinion Project, (with Kirstie L. Dobbs and David Doherty) presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS), Cartagena, Colombia, 9-13 March, 2016. Race and Responsiveness: Findings from Latin America, (with Kirstie L Dobbs), presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 3-6 April, 2014. No CMA! The Battle over US Military Bases in Panama, presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 19-21 March 2014. HYPERLINK "http://isanet.ccit.arizona.edu/MyISA/Validated/ConferenceItemDetailBasic.aspx?ItemID=33860"Global Ideologies and Social Movements: The Case of Catholic Radicalism in El Salvador, presented at the International Studies Association Conference, San Diego, CA, 1-4 April 2012. Leaders and Ideas in Social Movements: One Priest in El Salvadors Revolutionary Movement, paper presented at the Western Political Science Association Conference, San Francisco, CA, 1-3 April 2010. President Obamas New Latin American Policy, paper presented at the The New Presidents Foreign Policy Agenda, Conference, Center for American Studies, Rome, Italy, November 20, 2008. Regime Diffusion During the Cold War: US Military Aid and Democracy During the Second Reverse Wave in Latin America, [with Piotr Paradowski] paper presented at the International Studies Association Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 26-29, 2008. A Democratic Peace? Evidence from Latin America, paper presented at the International Studies Association Conference, Chicago, IL, February 28 to March 3, 2007. Toward an Ethical US Policy Toward Latin America [with Megan Sholar], paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 20-23, 2006. Democracy and Material Well-being in Latin America: Twenty-five years of post-authoritarian rule, paper presented at the Latin American Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 15-18, 2006. The Janus-faced Character of Cubas Tourism, [with Kathleen M. Adams] paper presented at the 6th Conference on Cuban and Cuban-American Studies, Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, February 6-7, 2006. Cuba and Tourism: Ideological Continuity and Change, (with Kathleen Adams) paper presented at the annual International Studies Association Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1-5 March 2005. Democracy Lite? Ethnic and Racial Divisions in Panama, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 7-9, 2004. Democratizing Panama: Global and Local Forces, paper presented at the International Studies Association Meeting, 17-20 March, 2004, Montreal, Canada. The Role of Power, Norms, and Culture in Shaping and Reshaping Panama: A Theoretical Perspective, (with Steve Ropp) paper presented at the International Studies Association Meeting, 17-20 March, 2004, Montreal, Canada. Co-chair and co-organizer, "The Role of Power, Norms, and Culture in the Shaping and Reshaping of Panama, panel at the International Studies Association Meeting, 17-20 March, 2004, Montreal, Canada. Chair and discussant, Neo-liberal reform in Latin American and Post-Communist Countries, panel at the Midwest Political Science Association National Conference, April 3-6, 2003, Chicago, Illinois. Panama One Century of Independence: Renaissance or Regression?, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, March 27-29, 2001, Dallas, Texas. Chair and organizer, Panama 2003: Nationalism and Sovereignty One Century After Independence, international relations panel at the 2003 Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, March 27-29, 2003, Dallas, Texas. Hegemony and Democracy: Power Asymmetry in an Era of Globalization, presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, March 22-24, 2002, Long Beach, CA. Panamas Foreign Policy After the US Withdrawal: The Limits of Sovereignty in the New World Order, presented at the 2001 Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, September 6-8, 2001, Washington D.C. Chair and organizer, Panamas Role in the New International System: Possibilities and Problems, international relations panel at the 2001 Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, September 6-8, 2001, Washington D.C. Panamas Hegemonized Foreign Policy: the Struggle Over a US Military Presence on the Isthmus, presented at the 42nd International Studies Association annual convention, 20-24 February 2001, Chicago, IL. Consolidating Democracy in Panama: Prospects and Challenges, presented at the 2000 Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, March 16-18, Miami, Florida. The United States and Panama: US Foreign Policy Gone Awry? presented at the International Studies Association/Midwest Annual Meeting, 6-8 November 1998, Chicago, IL. The End of Hegemony? Panama, the United States and Latin American Security after the Year 2000, presented at the Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, 24-26 September 1998, Chicago, IL. Cubas Prospects for Democracy, presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 22-25 April 1998, Chicago, IL. Seguridad y Democrcia en las Amricas despues del Ao 2000 [Security and Democracy in the Americas After the Year 2000], Encuentro Academico Internacional Sobre El Canal de Panama, Universidad Santa Maria la Antigua, Panama, 4-5 September, 1997 The Missing Variable: US Military Assistance and the Breakdown of Democracy in Latin America, a pooled time-series analysis, (with Allison Kessler and Angela Anderson) presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 1997. Latinos in Chicago: Explaining Political Mobilization, (with Maria Vidal de Haymes) presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 1997. Race, Ethnicity and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America, presented at the Latin American Studies Association International Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, April 1997. The End of the Cold War and Democratization in Latin America, presented at 37th Annual International Studies Association Convention, San Diego, CA, April 1996. After the Golpes: The United States and Democracy in a Militarized Guatemala, (with Sheryl L. Shirley) presented at the Midwest Association of Latin American Studies, St. Louis, IL, September 1994. Chair, The International Political Economy of Liberalism in the Developing World, International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, March 1994. Economic Factors in Democratic Transition and Consolidation: the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Peru in Comparative Perspective, (with David Jesuit) presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, March 1994. Discussant, Panel on Latin American Politics, North Carolina Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, March 1993. Elites and Democracy in Latin America: The Dominican Republic, Peru, and Guatemala, presented at the American Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, September 1992. The Alliance For Progress Under JFK and LBJ: Continuity or Change? presented at the Southwest Political Science Association Meeting, Austin, Texas, March 1992. Co-chair, Round Table on Collective Goods and Transnationalism, The Forty-third Annual Student Conference on United States Affairs, After the Cold War: One World or Many?, US Military Academy, West Point, NY, November 20-23, 1991. Awards Ignatian Educator of Distinction, to be awarded on March 31, 2020. Paid Leave of Absence, ҹAV, fall 2012 Sujack Award for Teaching Excellence, College of Arts and Sciences, ҹAV, academic year 2009-2010 Summer Research Stipend ($6,000), ҹAV, 2010 Manuscript Publication Assistance Grant ($2,000), ҹAV, 2009 Research Support Grant, ($2,000), ҹAV, 2007 Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage Research Grant ($5,000), ҹAV, 2007 Summer Research Stipend ($6,000), ҹAV, 2006 Ethics Fellowship, ҹAV, spring 2000 Fulbright Senior Scholar lecturing/research grant, the University of Panama, July 1997 - July 1998 Paid Leave of Absence, ҹAV, fall 1996 Seiler Excellence in Research Award, Department of Political Science, US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1991 Seiler Research Grant, US Air Force Academy, 1990: Researched the legal and political issues surrounding the use of the US armed forces in the fight against the illegal narcotics trade. Los Alamos Research Grant, Los Alamos National Research Lab, New Mexico, 1992: Researched the 1985 democratic transition in Guatemala. International and research Experience Planned and led a 10-day trip to Cuba for the Retired ҹAV Professors Organization, January 3-12, 2019 and January 2-11, 2020. Planned and taught a two-week immersion course, Cuba Today: Politics and Society, in Havana, Cuba, May 22 June 7, 2017. Scholars Trip to Taiwan, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, July 2-9, 2016. Taught at ҹAV Universitys John Felice Rome Center in summer 2015. Taught, International Relations Global Lens class, on the summer 2014 voyage of Semester at Sea to 10 countries in Europe and Russia. Taught the core course, Global Studies (UN Millennium Development Goals in Latin America), to 260 students on the May 2012 semester voyage of Semester at Sea to five countries in Latin America. Taught the core course, Global Studies, to 600 students on the fall 2010 semester voyage of Semester at Sea to ten countries around the world. Taught at ҹAV Universitys John Felice Rome Center in academic year 2008-2009. Travelled to El Salvador to interview people who have known former priest, David Rodriguez, December 2007-January 2008. Interviewed over 70 people including the auxiliary archbishop of San Salvador, members of Christian base communities, former priests and FMLN party officials. Taught two courses, Latin America in the International System and International Politics, on Semester at Sea, summer 2007 Voyage to eight countries in Latin America, University of Virginia. Planned and taught a two-week immersion course, Cuba Today: Politics and Society, in Havana, Cuba, May 6-22, 2004. Traveled to Panama in June 1999 to research the May 1999 national elections and to interview officials involved in negotiations with US officials on a Multilateral Drug Center. Interviewed Panamanian president, foreign minister, chief of national police, and others. As Fulbright Senior Scholar, taught US-Latin American relations and American Politics at the University of Panama, fall 1997; and researched the final disposition of the Panama Canal Treaties, July 1997 to July 1998. Developed and administered a random survey of 408 registered Latino voters in the city of Chicago (with Maria Vidal de Haymes, School of Social Work), in October 1996, in conjunction with the Midwest Northeast Voter Registration Education Project and the Center for Urban Research and Learning, ҹAV. Traveled to Cuba in May-June 1995 to research the emerging Non-Governmental Organization sector. Met with representatives of over twenty semiautonomous organizations. Traveled to Guatemala in July 1992 to research the 1985 transition to democracy. Interviewed a variety of political and military leaders and conducted research at the Guatemalan National Archives. Conducted research in the Dominican Republic and Peru, January and February 1989; interviewed a variety of political, academic and military leaders, including former Peruvian President Fernando Belaunde Terry, former Peruvian Military-Junta President Francisco Morales Bermudez, and former Dominican vice-president Carlos Goico Morales. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS International Studies Association Latin American Studies Association Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies REFERENCES Upon request     PAGE 10 PAGE 11 ():;Z[tuv< = > p ˿㓃ttth\hh]CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJh7hcVCJOJQJaJhhcV5CJOJQJaJ"hhcV5;CJOJQJaJh[}CJOJQJaJh' CJOJQJ^JaJh' CJOJQJaJh' 5OJQJaJh[}5CJOJQJaJh' 5;CJOJQJaJh' 5CJOJQJaJ):;[uv> ; < = U ^gd]gdb1 7$8$H$gd' gd' gd' $a$gd' p ; < = U V _    O P / 0 U V m ǻǯy"hh5;CJOJQJaJh;tCJOJQJaJhwCJOJQJaJhFh^CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJh3CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJ"hhcV5;CJOJQJaJh7hcVCJOJQJaJhrCJOJQJaJ,U V O P / 0 U V  #>k{$^`a$gd0c$^`a$gdb1$a$gdb1gdb1 #&>jkz{  2<=@G\]`ex־妚厦sssggghWCJOJQJaJh;tCJOJQJaJh7h&CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJh&CJOJQJaJhcVCJOJQJaJh0cCJOJQJaJhxkCJOJQJaJhdCJOJQJaJh7hdCJOJQJaJh7hcVCJOJQJaJh*CJOJQJaJ&=]yCD}~gdbgdb1$a$gdb1$a$gdb1$^`a$gdb1xy|9:<ACDk  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